Akin Bay Company LLC (“Akin Bay”) has developed a business continuity plan (our “BCP”) that will be activated in the event of a significant business disruption, such as a natural disaster, significant power outage or other event. Our BCP is intended to permit us to continue critical business operations during such a disruption.

Our BCP addresses interruptions to our normal course of business, and outlines the actions Akin Bay will take in the event of a building, city, or regional incident, including: continuous processing support by personnel located in unaffected facilities; relocating technology or operational personnel to alternate office facilities; or switching technology data processing to an alternate regional data center.  Regarding all circumstances within our control, Akin Bay’s recovery time objective for business resumption, including those involving a relocation of personnel or technology, is four (4) hours, depending upon the availability of and our access to the necessary external resources. To support our planned recovery, our providers maintain back up facilities, including secondary data centers. The back-up facilities are located well away from our providers’ facilities, in order to diminish the effect of a regional disruption.

In the event that Akin Bay experiences a significant business interruption, you may contact us at 917-533-5435.

Our Business Continuity Plan is reviewed annually and updated as necessary.

Deal Review

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